Fixed Asset Register Template Ksa, this is a QuickStart guide for the Excel skills iPhone fixed asset register template Ksa. This comprehensive template enables users to compile a complete fixed asset register which allows for depreciation or straight-line basis and incorporates our evaluations of assets as per international financial reporting standards.

Fixed Asset Register Template

You can process multiple if an unlimited number of revaluations can process.

So, it’s a relatively complex template. Let’s start with the setup sheet; okay, you can enter your business name,

which is used to head on all other sheets.

Tax and Asset Register Template

You select a year in a month and then into income tax percentage, so the next section is as close as possible.

so that those are typically the primary financial obligations statement losses.

  1. We also provide for asset categories which are subcategories of these mind losses,
  2. so that each category code would link to one of the main classes.
  3. Then there’s also a setup of the account numbers because we have automated journals as part of the template,
  4. so your general ledger account numbers for cost accumulated depreciation revaluations.
  5. That’s tax reserve impairment profit or loss on sale deferred tax balance sheet and deferred tax income statement.
  6. The following section is your wear-and-tear allowances. So we’ve got several different ways and tail allowance options. The app column is whether the apportionment for a part of the year needs to apply.
  7. If it’s yes and obviously yes otherwise, now a description and then your wear and tear rights for up to five years, and if your five-year title isn’t a hundred percent.

Then the year five percentage will be continuous. This is just a factor for the apportionment

so the input area cards at the bottom of the sheet are provided for information purposes.

5. If you encounter an input error in these codes, the reasons for these codes displayed. It’s also in the instructions,

so that’s the setup. Let’s look at the asset sheet so your first step when you use the template and off.

If you review the setup information to create asset administrative services, you make an asset number, a unique asset number.

Fixed Asset management register Sheet

In this sheet, there’s an asset ID number provided for, which can be longer.

The uniquely identifiable number which sometimes appears on the asset, a comprehensive description of the asset type is between our owned and leased us link each asset to a category. You link each asset to a tax card.

Those yellow columns are the user input columns; the blue columns are all calculated automatically,

so you’ll see at the top of the sheet you also have a review date that you specify.

All the calculations adjusted whenever you change that diet,

so just another point on the assets when you initially record an asset, a new asset, nothing happens in terms of calculations.

Until you’ve recorded an addition or acquisition transaction on the transaction for that particular asset, creating an asset creates the code.

It doesn’t put any values to the acid yet,

so please don’t change any of the formulas or replace any of the formulas with values you need to capture a transaction to create the value of the historical cost initially or their valued amount for the asset only the columns with yellow column headings here or user input columns.

I’m not going to cover all the calculated columns.

A lot of it’s to do with creating the values columns used in other calculations, so I’m just going to point out.

An asset at cost section starts with a carrying value opening balance additions, revaluations, disposals in payment, and closing balance.

There is a section for the current month’s depreciation split between cost and revaluation.

You have your accumulated depreciation section,

which separates depreciation between the price and Revell revaluation amounts to create a total you have accumulated, like the depreciation on disposals and revaluation.

Fixed Asset management register 

If re-evaluation occurs, then you have your accumulated depreciation car closing balance that gets you to a closing carrying value.

The difference between a cost and accumulated depreciation, and then you have your revaluation reserve.

Hence, it also indicates the movement in the reserve impairment writers and profit or loss on the disposal side.

You have a carrying value at historical cost, a financial consultant statement disclosure, so it’s included separately in that section.

There’s a tax section for your tax values followed by the d for the tax section, so it’s quite a lot to take in terms of this guide.

I’m just covering it quickly so you review the detailed instructions on where all these calculations come from.

So let’s go to the transaction again columns with yellow column headings or user input columns and the blue columns or calculated automatically so transaction data can enter by senior regional die settings the transaction type.

Types of fixed Template asset register 

The template provides for three transaction types, so you’d have the acquisition that you initially record to capitalize the asset’s cost;

the second one is disposal.

  1. The third one is revaluation so that you can capture one acquisition and one disposal for an asset. Still, you can capture multiple revaluations on the same code once you dispose of an asset it went so that asset code can’t use for anything else acquisition.
  2. You would record only once initially, so the asset inventory number of all the asset numbers that have been created on the asset sheet.
  3. It will be available for selection, so you must make your asset code first and then capture your acquisition transaction.
  4. Then we have the supplier document number and amount so that the amount will be the cost; when you do a revaluation, the amount you enter will revalue the amount. It’s not the amount of the revaluation.
  5. It’s the rivalry revalued amount, and then you have your life in years for the asset. If there’s a residual value, you enter it in that column, and if you dispose of an asset that proceeds on the soil should include it in column I.
  6. If you write an asset off, should it record as disposal but with no proceeds? The columns with blue column meetings all calculated and contain formulas, and these formulas extended. There are too many of them to cover now.
  7. You can look at the detailed instructions, but these calculations used to calculate all of the amounts that we refer to on the other sheets, including the asset sheet, which we had a look at,

so let’s go to the category sheet so the category sheet all the categories that.

  1. You create on the setup sheet that included on this sheet. It has assets at cost cumulated accumulated depreciation closing carrying value revaluation reserve in payment right of profit or loss of on disposal and current month depreciation sections.
  2. These are per category, then you have your closed sheet, which is your financial statement losses, and it has precisely the same types as the in terms of the calculations as the category sheet.
  3. That’s the closest sheet; it’s just a summary of all the categories, and then you have the journal sheet now the journal sheet in the category section on the setup sheet.
  4. You include general ledger accounts for different types of increases or transactions. Those are used here to provide you with automated journal tax reports, which can be used to post entries in your general ledger.
  5. We provide year-to-date and months-to-date entries. These are the transactions that you can post depreciation on historical cost depreciation on revaluations editions revaluation at Cost revaluations accumulated depreciation.


You’ve got the cost in payment, the cost part, the disposals, the proceeds, the cost of disposals,

accumulated depreciation, the revaluation reserve releasing after removals, and deferred taxation;

it’s a lot to take in. It’s quite a complex template, but we cover everything in detail if you refer to the instruction sheet.

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